Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sunday Musings

I realize that the Trumps and Kardashians are very similar except the Kardashians are more ethical.

Look, Trump is a big picture guy, only way he can keep the crayons almost inside the lines.

I'm wondering who is going to be the one to go transgender?

This whole president gig is just a set up for the Trump reality show coming in a few years.

The republicans can't figure out that attacking Hillary doesn't really do much anymore.

It appears that many Republican voters can't focus on more than a single issue, look at the recent Alabama primary.

The guy they selected is going to bring the level of the congress down a few notches, which is difficult to do, if he gets elected and he probably will.

All these voters seem to want people to challenge the establishment unless they're football players I guess.

Remember all those threats about what we were going to do to North Korea?  Did anyone believe them?  The carry a little stick while talking loud guy might believe himself.

I'm pretty sure he is so delusional that he isn't actually lying, just, you know, delusional.

Of course he might just be lying.

Tax plan isn't going to help him, really?

The people who actually believe him have to realize that nothing he says means anything.

Or maybe not.

He's doing more to fight the NFL than he is to counter North Korea.  Guess once he figures out that a dotard is an insult he might react.

I wonder if he could even identify North Korea on a map.  He doesn't have any golf courses there.

He might think its in Africa with that country he made up at the UN, Nambia.

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