Friday, October 6, 2017

Iran Accord

It is likely that our dotard is likely to repudiate the nuclear deal with Iran.

He like to repeat the right wing media analysis of the deal and that it wasn't in America's best interests.

All evidence supports that Iran is effectively living up to the deal but they think the deal should have done more than it does, such as requiring Iran to stop supporting terrorists.

Now that would be fine except the agreement was negotiated with one goal in mind and wasn't just a bilateral deal with us.

It also may not actually matter much except for a public relations thing.

Certainly if all the other countries and Iran continue to honor it our non-participation is sort of optional.

Since the financial assets that had been blocked have already been released, you can't put that toothpaste back in the tube.

Unilateral American sanctions may have some impact, but the rest of the members who stay in the agreement won't honor them.

Worst case is that Iran uses this action to resume its nuclear development program and that would result in resumed UN Sanctions but because we took the first step it may be easier for the Iranians to get sympathetic support as the victim.

Not what anyone would want but you know the only thing that matters to our dotard is politics and public relations.

A safer world, not so much.

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