Friday, October 27, 2017

Circus, Circus

The monkey house managed to pass a $4Trillion budget resolution without a single democratic vote.  We clearly don't have a lot of bipartisan work going on but one would think that the budget is something that should be a little bi-partisan.

Of course in and of itself it barely mustered enough republican votes and it only did that by promising to fix things in it later.

The budget resolution is actually only important because it allows the senate to us a provision called budget resolution to pass certain things with a simple majority.  That is still a tricky proposition as health care showed us but it is at least possible.

The question I have is if the planned tax cut bill is so wonderful why can't some democrats be convinced to support it?

I remember times, not that long ago really, where budgets were at times passed with close to everyone on board.  This was when we used to use normal process as Sen McCain mentioned and committees attempted to compromise so that both parties could support a bill.

In our new no compromise environment, or at least no compromise with the other party we see the rise of partisan politics that George Washington was worried about.

When adherence to party is greater than adherence to country.

Not everything in the budget is bad and in fact most of it is probably routine.  The issue was the introduction of the budget resolution process so the Senate might be able to pass a Tax cut without compromising with the democrats/

Of course they have their own internal demons to deal with, so the outcome is still uncertain.

The three ring circus continues.

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