Saturday, October 7, 2017

Saturday Ramblings

Throwing paper towels into a crowd just doesn't seem like the best way to distribute them.

Were paper towels really what the hurricane victims needed?

Calm before the storm, its not that calm and what storm?

Just rename the Affordable Care Act the Trump Care Act and it will be the best thing that ever was.

I'm very sorry for those communities which are still suffering from the loss of old manufacturing jobs.  Unfortunately I don't see it getting better until new technology shows up in those areas.

The Obama recovery has continued under Trump.  This month the hurricanes hurt jobs, think that's legit.

People are talking about who is going to replace Tillerson?  The President says he is fully behind him.

I read that some alt-right groups are going to march in Tennessee about white lives matter.  Maybe they should have marched in Vegas.

I can't believe that people don't realize that the black lives matter movement is basically saying they should matter as much as white ones.

I sort of get a kick out of the alt right media which spins everything into something it isn't.

Unfortunately millions of Americans buy into it including the dotard in the White House.  America has gotten dumber, or maybe those people are getting more visibility now.

Republicans have looked at the demographics and are trying everything they can to suppress voter turnout.  Support Democracy much?

The tax "reform" plan is really nothing except some tax cuts for businesses and wealthy people with a few trinkets for everyone else.  Those blankets might be infected with small pox folks.

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