Wednesday, October 25, 2017

His Fantasy World

Maybe I was naïve but I used to think that once people got elected to office the idea was to ignore politics until the next election and try to get things accomplished.

Clearly now it is about politics and nothing but politics all the time.

Some of this is clearly related to our dotard of a president who has no idea what public service actually means and seems to believe some of his own lies.

The problem is that the things he says are simply not possible and that he seems to simply want to undo anything that his predecessor got credit for out of jealousy is not a way to get things done.

Of course some of what he wants would be wonderful if it was close to possible.

Eliminate all environmental regulations but get a cleaner environment.

Pass a health care bill that reduces cost, improves care and covers more would be nice.

Reduce taxes on everyone but don't increase the deficit.

Repudiate all our trade deals but have improved trade.

Fail to honor our foreign obligations but get greater respect from the people we have betrayed.

Only mine clean coal (most call this natural gas) and create lots of jobs.

Treat everyone equally once you eliminate all diversity in the country.

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