Saturday, October 21, 2017

Saturday Musings

Why is it such a big story when it turn out everybody in Hollywood already knew this producer was a sleeze?  Wouldn't it be more productive to find some new ones?

We have a president who doesn't seem to be any better plus seems to be a bigot as well.  Seems like we are a pretty tolerant people.

I'm starting to think the Republicans need an e before the c in their name.

If you are going to go public with defamatory statements about someone you should make sure they are at least close to being true.  A four star general should know better.

I agree that a phone call to a grieving widow is a very troubling matter, but the widow would be the one who decides who listens in.

Not every politician is like your boss general, in fact almost none of them are as willing to simply lie and make false public statements.

Deficit is increasing this year and the Republicans in congress passed a budget to make it worse.  Sure that's fiscally responsible.

The budget and the tax plan are about as swampy as it gets.  Need someone to drain both of them.

Republicans feel the need to get something done before next years election.  Of course they should realize what they do also matters.

It just seems like a majority of people, in and out of Washington are really moderates, but they have to appease the more radical groups in each party.  Maybe we need a new moderate party and leave the other two on the fringe.

Maybe we could actually do something that makes sense then?

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