Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Blood Money

In response to a question today about actions the Senate might take to control bump stocks, the accessory used to convert the semi-automatic weapon used in Vegas to automatic the majority leader said he wanted to wait until the investigation was complete.

Well, guess maybe the weapon was really a knife or possibly some of the injured (over 500) might die changing the number killed.

We may even discover that the person who did this was unhappy about something.

Of course he has to stall hoping the public outrage can be assuaged by the blood money the NRA will pump out saying guns didn't do it, a person did.

Of course they certainly enabled it.

Our speaker of the house deflected by saying he thought they might look into mental health issues?

Last time they allowed mentally ill people to buy guns, guess they could expand that a bit.

Nothing will happen except the donations will flow a bit more freely, the advertising will increase and in a few months we'll have another tragedy.

Maybe they should issue everyone body armor.

At least it would be something.

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