Thursday, October 5, 2017

Unknown Disturbed People

The shooter in Vegas was essentially fairly normal in most respects.

Meanwhile he apparently decided to commit an atrocity was the worst mass shooting in our history.

Story after story I see attempts to understand this apparent contradiction, unsuccessfully in my opinion.

I have no idea why he did it but clearly he was disturbed about something.

He had a girlfriend, money, a place to live and access to his preferred recreation, gambling.

In many ways he was just a guy.

Some people remember that he would be grumpy at times.

Some Starbucks employees remember him yelling at his girlfriend.

He looked a little scruffier recently by some accounts.

None of which would lead to any particular motive.

Its also pretty obvious that it wasn't a spur of the moment thing.

Some seem impressed by the planning involved, although it consisted of a few pretty straightforward things, Getting the right room would be the hardest.

Apparently he attempted to explode some Aviation Fuel Tanks and failed at that.

The search for a motive is going to go on and its not obvious one will be found.

Its probably scarier to think that an normal guy with above average intelligence, not down on his luck would just do something like this.

Its actually pretty terrifying.

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