Thursday, October 12, 2017

Vegas Timeline

What happened in Vegas was a horrible event that surpassed pretty much anything that we could have suspected up to that point.

Some things are just windows to a new level of horror for which we are not prepared.

Take what happened on 9-11.  Before that the idea of a terrorist crashing a plane into a building wasn't something most of us even considered so generally we were conditioned to cooperate with a hijacker.  After 9-11 it is something we all think about and even on that day, the flight in Pennsylvania was brought down because of what had already happened to the earlier flights.

Now in Vegas we had a deranged person open fire on unsuspecting concert goers from a hotel room which wasn't something we generally worried about.

So now we see come articles indicating that maybe he first fired at a Hotel security person from his room a few minutes before he opened fire on the concert below.

Its still a bit unclear but to see people act like the police should have prevented what followed is totally ridiculous.

There have been armed shooters in hotels which would have conditioned them to act in a certain number of ways, none of which would have included thinking he was planning to open fire on a concert nearby.

Generally the first thought would have been that it was some sort of issue, maybe involving a hostage.

Police response would have been to cordon off the hallway and attempt to establish communications to determine the situation.  They wouldn't have rushed headlong into an unknown situation without a lot more information.

Of course they also would have to arrive on the scene.

If the shots were in fact fired five minutes before the actual mass shooting, the situation would not have been dramatically different.

We don't get to teleport around yet.

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