Wednesday, October 11, 2017

President Strangelove

When you look at the devastation the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused you also have to realize that today's bombs are much more devastating.

Science and technology certainly don't stand still.

We have gone 72 years since that event and haven't seen another one used as a weapon.

During the cold war and maybe especially during the Cuban Missile Crisis we seemed close at times but bot sides realized that it was in fact MAD to start such a war.

There can be no winners, only losers.

Consider two countries that concern us North Korea and Iran.

Iran, by all accounts, doesn't have a nuclear capability and has agreed to suspend or dismantle required technology for  period of time in exchange for the lifting of certain sanctions,

The agreement certainly isn't perfect but it would achieve its intended purpose.

It wouldn't achieve results that weren't included as part of it which is of course true of every agreement.

We all know that any agreement entered into by the previous administration is going to be called inadequate.  We know that the current occupant is a jealous person.

However, the agreement was likely as good as we were gonna get but if he tries to renegotiate it we'll see if he can get anything at all.

North Korea is however a different kettle of fish.

They already have the bomb and perhaps a means of delivery.

While clearly we could wipe the country from the face of the earth, it wouldn't be consequence free.

Further, if just one bomb got sent to a major city, the devastation would be horrific, beyond our prior knowledge of horrific.

We also have a much less stable leadership group there.  Of course our leadership is totally unstable.

We may be closer to a nuclear catastrophe than even during the cold war, mainly because the person in charge is mentally unstable and unreliable.

Of course I doubt any of North Korea's allies would launch nukes to defend that country, it would end up being MAD.

They aren't led by morons after all.

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