Monday, October 16, 2017


In all honesty I had no idea who Harvey Weinstein was before the sex abuse scandal got so much play.  Of course because he was a movie producer in that self absorbed industry the media acts like his conduct exposes something new.

His behavior isn't new but it might have involved famous people.  That doesn't make it more important than the same or worse behavior that goes on almost everywhere.

This is a culture that in some ways encourages the objectification of women while at the same time demanding that such objectification should have no consequences.

Most men have heard other men talking about women as objects and I suppose women may also objectify hunks every now and then.

No one should ever abuse or harass another human being whether sexually or otherwise.

It happens al the time and we see it on many levels.

Bullying is a form of harassment that starts pretty early.

Racism is still way too prevalent in this society.

Sexual harassment is just another form and so is the fact that millions of women are payed less for equal work.

The answer of course is simply respect.  R E S P E C T!

Each person is entitled to it and should be treated with it.

It seem like it would solve a lot of problems and isn't all that hard to do.

We should try it.

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