Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Dark Part of the Soul

Everyone wants to know why the gunman in Vegas did what he did.

I suspect we will never really know.

Unfortunately we live in a time and country where one person who gets upset or mad about something can simply decide to etch his name into history by killing a lot of other people.

Now of course people are going to say guns aren't to blame but he wouldn't have done as much damage with a knife or a club.

Of course he did pass every background check and I read they are trying to find out where he got the fully automatic weapons.

Really?  I'm not a gun enthusiast but I learned a long time ago how to convert a semi-automatic into a full automatic, it isn't very hard.  There's some videos on You-Tube walking you through the process.

The AR 15 is even easier as I remember.

Now I don't encourage any such behavior and why anyone would actually need even a semi-automatic assault rifle is a mystery to me, but I also don't really care.

Unless of course they start shooting people with it.

Now there's nothing in our current system that could have prevented what happened in Vegas and I doubt we will institute the things we would need to do to prevent it in the future.

People sometimes go into dark places in their soul and don't come out.

What prompted it is impossible to say if he didn't tell us or someone else.

It doesn't seem to me from what I know about the shooter that he would actually have any issues with the people he shot.

He just wanted to shoot people and so he did.

Not as much evil as indifference, indifference to the lives he took and the lives he ruined because of those who are maimed or lost loved ones.

We just made it easy for him.

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