Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Adult Day Care.

As I watch politicians start to bicker among themselves as their plans to loot the American people are falling apart I have to remember the old saying "There is no honor among thieves."

They only band together to steal and they just aren't trustworthy.

Now once the people who own them aren't getting the pay back they expect they start to punish them by withholding funding which drives them crazy.

Of course some decide to get out of the game and at that point you get to see the true nature of the group.

They start to turn on each other.

Of course its more noticeable when the puppet leader lacks all self control.

Its sort of like the stories you hear about Al Capone who felt he was invincible and made no attempts to hide who he was.

Of course he wasn't, no one is.

Of course the difference is that Capone was not only brutal, he was successful.

Our Dotard is pretend brutal and unsuccessful, although of course he claims great success.

Then like a petulant 3 year old he throws a tantrum and destroys something.

Three year old generally grow out of that behavior.

Think this guy is past that.

We all get to observe his tantrums.

What fun.

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