Sunday, October 8, 2017

Evil In America

Because of the jobs I've had and who I worked for I was fortunate to visit many parts of the country and meet people from pretty much every part of it.

The people were from different national backgrounds, different religious beliefs, different political views and different economic situations, but in almost every case they shared being decent human beings.

Some were foreign nationals but most were native born Americans, white and black, Hispanic or Asian, and even some Native Americans.

None of them were obviously evil people, although of course what resided in their hearts was unknown to me.

I worked for some of these people and some of them worked for me but while we may have disagreed on an approach or a business decision we generally didn't consider the other person as evil or subversive.

Now of course such people do exist and I may have run across some, but certainly I'm sure most of the people weren't and shared a fundamental human desire to help others and do good.

However, there is undoubtedly evil in America and sometimes it manifests itself in a person going on a rampage but more frequently it is manifested via support for things that will in fact hurt other people, sometimes badly.

I don't want to get into a religious discussion but the main reasons seem to be greed, for money and/or power driven by certain people who have no compassion for anyone not directly related to them.

Of course these motivations are usually hidden as other things but if you follow the money, or the power it leads back to a certain group that is already rich and powerful but can't ever have enough.

Take health care.  The American people have by and large come to the realization that everyone should get adequate health care.  Yet we here proposals being promoted that would hurt our poorest and weakest while putting money in the pockets of our wealthiest.

Similarly this so called tax reform is going to hurt a certain number of people, give many others a negligible reduction but line the pockets of those same people.

I doubt these people think they are evil but as the bible says they aren't likely to end up in heaven.

The politicians who allowed themselves to be bought aren't any better.  In fact all those pushing lies and half truths are in fact participating in evil.

Taking high powered guns and shooting a bunch of innocent people is clearly evil and despicable.  Taking high powered influence and pursuing policies that will result in people dying or despairing is just as bad.

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