Sunday, October 22, 2017

Economic Reality

Its hard not to notice that many people who consider Government the enemy want the Government to bring back jobs.

Government and especially the Federal Government is not in charge of creating jobs.  That's what business does.

I'll accept the possibility that Government policies might decide if an area is a good place to do business, but of course ultimately what decides that is if a business can make money.

What determines that are many factors such as cost of labor or availability of other resources but maybe more importantly a market for what they produce.

This same concept applies to each individual as well.  Its always been true but when jobs are plentiful, many people got them when they really had little to offer except robot like performance.

Unfortunately for them robots do that better.

If you don't have a service or skill to sell, or the service or skill you do have is not worth very much, that is what you are going to get.

Its called free enterprise.

Many so called proponents of free enterprise are now upset when they see it in action.

This country has always provided opportunities for those willing to scramble and provide a marketable service.

If you are not willing to do that and are not impaired in some way you really have no one but yourself to blame when you find yourself unemployed and unemployable.

The immigrants who have the work ethic you are lacking are not to blame, they understand that no one owes them anything.

A lesson can be learned from that.

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