Thursday, October 19, 2017

Do Your Job

There's people who work and people who spend most of their time talking about how great they are.

We all know those people, You've probably worked with at least one of them.  They don't do much but everything they do is both the hardest thing ever tried and also they did it better than anyone else.

They have no problem taking credit and unfortunately because they talk themselves up they have a tendency to get recognized before more deserving workers who just do their jobs.

Its one of the problems with the subjective way many American businesses run and why in so many cases you find incompetent bosses.

Obviously this is not always the case, but we now see an example of someone who got ahead because of nepotism, failed multiple times, had a few successes but who is convinced he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

He isn't and he may even realize that, but he might be too delusional.

Doing his job includes many things but fighting with widows of deceased servicemen isn't one of them.

In fact he seems to think that he is job one.

He isn't, he is now supposed to be a public servant who needs to do his job.

That job would be working with congress, uniting the country and dealing with foreign affairs.  Being the Commander in Chief gives him added responsibility for the troops he theoretically leads.

It doesn't matter if I agree with his policies, he should try to get something passed and be willing to strike a deal in the best interests of the public.

He ran on a campaign about how Government was broken and on the wrong track.

That's the only campaign promise he has managed to fulfill.

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