Monday, October 23, 2017

Robbing our Children

The positions espoused by our current administration and government are probably the most selfish things any government has promoted.

I think most of us would want our children and their children to live in a world where the economy wasn't in turmoil because of a crushing national debt.

Where the climate was still safe and the air was breathable

Where quality health care was available and affordable.

We don't want that would to be a post nuclear nightmare either.

I think we would like that world to be a place where everybody felt welcome and safe no matter what their ethnicity or religion or sexual preferences.

A place where men and women had equal opportunities to pursue their dreams and affordable education options to help them fulfill those dreams.

A place where housing communities banded together instead of being torn apart.

Its our responsibility to create the world we want for them.

Otherwise we are robbing their future.

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