Sunday, October 15, 2017

Sunday Wanderings

Religion is one of those things that you think would unite people yet it has the opposite effect in many cases.

Most religions actually have very similar teachings, if not all of them.  I never researched all of them so there must be some that don't preach honor, respect and reverence, I just don't know which ones they are.

They have certain differences and the three that I'm most familiar with Christianity, Judaism and Islam actually all have similar roots and form a progression.

They all arose in the mid-east and are very similar in most things with some exceptions that are mostly superficial.

Religious scholars may disagree with me and maybe I'm missing something but the essence of all three are worship of a single God and the requirement to live a "good" life.

Yet throughout history religion, especially these religions have led to a lot of hate and death.

The idea that any God would reject some of his creations because they were born in the wrong part of the world or were raised in a different culture is on the face of it absurd.

Geography and culture could hardly matter to a supreme being.

Of course many things about what people believe about God is simply silly.

Even the idea that we could understand such a being is pretty absurd.

The God we worship is created by us, in our own image.

The hate we show is ours, not his.  The prohibition on using his name in vain can have no greater meaning than when we use His name to justify killing or hate.

If you claim to believe in God its time to act like it.  Actions do speak louder than words.

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