Friday, October 13, 2017

Trump Care is less care

The question is how much damage to the health coverage of Americans can the dotard do before everyone wises up?

The general concept of making sure Americans get adequate health care when they need it is pretty much universally agreed to, at least verbally.  The discussion should be about how to do that.

Now, the reason that the clowns in congress weren't able to pass any health care laws is that they ran into a few republicans with a conscience.

Of course the Affordable Care Act doesn't achieve that goal either, but its a step in that direction.

Now by signing an executive order and stopping subsidies, the dotard is taking a step back and increasing the premiums on the people who weren't doing great under the ACA already.

The first one is going to take a while to implement but what it does is attempt to cherry pick healthy people out of the exchanges leaving a sicker pool of people to insure.  The healthy people could pay less but the riskier people will pay more.

This might sound fair except it defeats the concept of insurance.  The idea is that a lot of healthy people and a few sick people pay the same amount and they all are covered against costs that would bankrupt people otherwise.

The second action stops subsidies paid to insurance companies that have to bear high costs for mandatory coverage.  Since the affordable care act mandated that rates for all be capped, certain high cost conditions were not calculated into them since they were unpredictable.  The subsidies served to reduce the premiums for that coverage.

Now without the subsidies those premiums will go up to cover the full potential risk.  This will have a disparate impact since if you qualify for the individual tax benefit you will be protected from the increase.  So people who have to pay the full cost without Government help will be faced with even more cost increases.

Many of these people were the ones who Trump highlights in his criticism of what was Obamacare.  Of course he now needs to take ownership of it as he goes out of his way to make things worse.

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