Monday, October 2, 2017

What Happened in Vegas

We had a horrific tragedy in Las Vegas where at least 50 were killed and over 200 injured based on current reports.

The perpetrator is know and not believed to be connected to any terrorist organizations.

Our prayers and hopes for recovery for the wounded go out to the innocent victims who were at a music festival.

We don't know the shooters motivation, he was killed so not sure we ever will, but the fact that a single person could inflict this much damage with what had to be an assault rifle should give us all pause.

Unfortunately sick events like this sometimes inspire copycats so it makes all large outdoor gatherings less safe.

I don't know if any kind of security could have prevented this, but we should try to find a way.

We need to figure out ways to protect ourselves as best we can.

Too many senseless indiscriminate deaths this morning, way too many.

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