Thursday, October 26, 2017

Paying for Research

As we see the monkeys in the House scramble around trying to figure out how to convince themselves that reducing revenues somehow reduces the deficit, we have our very own self proclaimed intelligent dotard saying that he is somehow the victim because those mean Democrats and Hillary researched his background.

Of course if he had even normal intelligence he would know this is common and was done by his own team as well.

Even sillier is the way the press is so easily manipulated by stories that really mean nothing at all.

The research resulted in a dossier which is either true or not. 

If there was some evidence that someone was directed to compile a false narrative, that might be something, of course it would still depend a lot on what the campaign or the Democratic party did with the information.

What is clear, at least to most intelligent observers, is that the other campaign and current administration have no problem making wild accusations without any research at all, sometimes based on a TV story, sometimes based on pure imagination. 

Accusations related to e-mails without even a shred of evidence that they had anything meaningful in them was done without any research of even common sense.

In fact if I was to list every instance of false facts and allegations I might be writing forever.

I guess the real joke is that they paid someone to do the research and as damaging as it seemed never used it either because they couldn't verify it or didn't actually receive it.

Hell they could have followed the dotard's example and just made stuff up.

Lots of people tell me that's the way to go.

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