Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Water, Water Everywhere

Pretty much an apt description right now for Houston and likely for the future of a lot of low lying areas if we don't decide to do something about rising sea levels.

Let me ask a simple question.  Even if you don't believe that spewing trillions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere impacts the climate, can it be a good thing?

The only argument for it is that if we make companies clean up their emissions or require cars to reduce emission it will make us non-competitive with the rest of the world.

The fallacy there is that the rest of the world has agreed to do something about it and we have backed out of the deal.

Now, if you actually believe stuff the president says, I guess you are convinced that all the facts and data that are so widely available are fake and provided by someone with a desire to harm this country.

Of course that does require you to believe that all the American scientists are in fact traitors who serve some evil purpose, probably why they stayed in school in the first place.

There is a popular fantasy TV show that has as some of its main characters manipulative sinister characters who will do anything for power.

Now the only difference between that and real life is that we get to see the lying and manipulation so we know who they are.

In real life, they usually don't show us the behind the scenes look to help us.  Of course some of it is coming out in the current Russian investigations but where that leads is yet to be determined.

Its not really complex though, just follow the money.

If a business wants to make more money they donate to the right people, help them get elected and the regulations get lifted.

Simple enough?

Yes they have to breathe the same air as the rest of us and live on the same planet but being wealthy affords plenty of opportunity to keep your feet dry as the water rises.

Unless of course you are on the French Riviera at the time.

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