Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Election Day Thoughts

We live in an age where communications are beyond anything our forefathers could have imagined.

In their day, even with just the East Coast States it took time to travel to the nation's capital and consider issues important to their constituents.

Of curse the constituents who got represented were usually the ones that had an in, either because they had money or were organized, which brings us to the flaw in our representational system of Government.

Who do the monkeys represent?

Many of the founding fathers, being generally landed and wealthy by the standards of the time, had very little use for the "common" man.

They were considered to be of little intellectual capacity and unlikely to be capable of making important decisions.

Real democracy was neither possible nor desirable.

It is now.

Maybe we should try it.

We can certainly use  modern technology to give people a greater say in the decisions being made.

Currently a lot of the monkeys look at polls to see what the people want, but why not just ask them?

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