Sunday, November 5, 2017


There are going to be elections in America this Tuesday whether we want them or not.

I know in some cases the races are important but some of the ads I see are about people I never heard of and who, per the opponent's ads should probably be in jail.

Of course that applies to all the candidates.

Negative ads are universally condemned but extremely effective.

I seem to have a choice between a District Attorney for my county who is either corrupt and a puppet or someone that seems to be trying to outtrump the dotard himself.

I should probably look into it more except I'm not even sure why I'm voting for a District Attorney.

Seems like it should be someone above politics.

We vote on a whole slate of people we have no real way to judge, like say judges.

Honestly I would like well qualified judges and attorneys and police chiefs/sheriffs.  Voting for the one who runs the best ads or who is a member of your party isn't guaranteed to accomplish that.

Of course they have to come from somewhere and I guess if they get appointed by corrupt politicians it wouldn't be any better.

Based on the political ads I see, we should probably arrest the whole batch and start over.

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