Saturday, November 4, 2017

Saturday Musings

So Hollywood is basically a den of iniquity, who'd of thunk it?

A lot of this is going to be he said she said or more she said he denied sort of stuff.  I'm sure a lot of it happened but I'm not sure anyone can really determine what actually happened.

Well the dotard is in Asia, good chance he might provoke a war.

Republicans are dragging out every silly accusation against Hillary, which, isn't of much concern to anyone really except foxy news and diehard dotardists and second doesn't have the Russian trolls repeating it over and over again.

I don't know if there's much chance the tax cut will pass, something might, they are pretty desperate, but the odds of an average American getting a break are pretty slim.

I think they could easily replace the business tax with a value added tax but that's too complex for this bunch.

There is a simple fact that people need to understand, people pay all the taxes.  Now some of it is charged to business who add it to the prices they charge us, some of it is charged direct or on property but we pay all of it.  That includes all the foreign taxes built into the prices of their products, so if you drive a German auto you are subsidizing the German social programs.

Think we need an investigation into Australian millionaires interfering in American politics.

I was just in Virginia trying to avoid the ads for the gubernatorial race, but it was hard to do.  Some of them are so over the top I can't believe people believe them, but evidence shows that they do.  Sad really.

The political discourse in this country has really deteriorated or maybe its just more noticeable.  Maybe we need better informed voters.

The administration has issued a scientific analysis the attributes climate change to human behavior, although they individually have tried to deny it.  You can't twist science the way you can politics.

Do we get an extra hour of sleep or get back the one they took from us in the Spring?  I've lost track.

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