Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Swamp Monster

The dotard ran on a platform that included draining the swamp, but as it turns out he actually meant he was going to destroy environmentally important wetlands.

Despite all the scientific consensus including a report issued by the US Government itself he fails to accept that climate change is caused by carbon emissions.

The good news is that he's about the only one.

Even the propaganda channel's people know its real, even if they have to have faux experts on to say otherwise.

Sort of the way paid spokesmen tried to defend cigarettes, long after the manufacturers knew better.

The energy companies are looking to the future and developing cleaner natural gas, which has its own issues but is better than coal or oil.

Solar and wind are being adopted and getting more affordable and because they are all domestically available it will reduce our trade deficit and help the environment at the same time.

Of course draining the swamp is getting harder as the water levels rise due to climate warming, but considering the dotard's policies, maybe it will save a few species.

I was listening to him berate South Korea about the trade agreement.  The agreement does what it should do but I know math isn't his strong point so let me explain something.

We have the worlds largest economy and a population that is quite a bit larger than South Korea's.  If a South Korean company sells a product to every American and a American company sell a product to every South Korean, they sell more products since there are more Americans.  For them to buy as much from us as we do from them, they would have to buy a lot more each.

Also, since Americans have more disposable income each Korean would have to spend more relatively.

So far in 2017 we have imported $53 billion from South Korea and exported $36 billion.  They have a population of 50 million and ours is over 300 million.  They are buying more per capita of our goods than we are of theirs.

Its also a much larger percentage of their GDP.

There are other dynamics involved, but if each South Korean spent the same amount on US goods as we do on South Korean goods, sort of what the dotard was saying, the deficit would be much worse.

Its simple math really.

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