Saturday, November 25, 2017


People use this term as if it was something everyone understood.  There's a definition of it in the dictionary but in usage it represents lots of different things, many of which aren't at all conservative in the dictionary sense.

In the definition it refers to someone who is averse to change, but people who call themselves conservatives are trying to change many things.

From a family values point of view they want to get rid of abortions and eliminate gay marriage.

Those now each represent changes, but they would argue they want to return to the way it once was, but of course its still a change.

Conservatives are trying to change the tax system to give business more money and raise the deficit.  These are both changes.

Many people calling themselves conservatives want to define this as a Christian country which would certainly be a major and radical change to the country where religious freedom was a founding principle.

They only want you to be free to practice a form of Christianity.

Of course they ignore Christian values when it suits their purpose and ignore abuse against women and minorities which isn't very Christian at all.

They can call themselves whatever they want but there isn't much conservatism in their positions for the most part.

They make up issues such as political correctness or worrying about what language people speak.

A real conservative would respect our constitutional freedom including freedom of religion.  They would respect the principle that all men are created equal with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

They would represent real American values, not this made up faux radical stuff they call conservative values.

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