Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Terrorism and Media

Whenever there is a terrorist attack you wonder what can we do to prevent future ones.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem like we can do much against things conducted by a single individual with no obvious ties to a terrorist organization.

Even those who have passing ties are not likely to be stopped, I believe the number of suspects far outweighs our ability to monitor them.

The only thing we can do is not to overreact to them, taking away the publicity the attacks are designed to create.

Of course that isn't likely to happen since our media is pretty sure to provide exactly what the terrorists organizations crave, publicity to make them look powerful and help them recruit.

In a country with a free press there is no way to prevent this and it makes more attacks more likely.

The victims were innocent and certainly didn't deserve this.  Their families deserve our sympathy and prayers and to be left to grieve.

I doubt the media circus will allow that.

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