Wednesday, November 22, 2017


We live in a country where everyone seems to sue everyone else.

Of course that's not really true, its just that many lawsuits are so high profile.

Its such a part of our culture that we have a number of TV shows that show people suing each other.

I admit it can be entertaining, if also a bit ridiculous.

If you happen to be involved in an incident that gets publicized you will be, generally, approached by lawyers wanting to represent you.

Some of the lawsuits or threats are more for public relations than anything else.  Others serve as backdoors to try to litigate "crimes" past the statute of limitations.

The GOP candidate for the senate just said he is contemplating suing his accusers for defamation.  Can't imagine that actually happen, mostly because they are probably telling the truth, but he needs to act like they aren't to sway some voters in the campaign.

It might work.

I'm sure there will be a ton of law suits related to all the unproven sexual harassment claims that are coming out of the woodwork.  Certainly a lot of the allegations are true but because of the statute of limitations few are going to result in criminal charges.

I read that people who survived the shooting in Las Vegas are filing suits against the hotel, although as bad as it was, it really seems to be the fault of a single lunatic.

Guess the hotel should have noticed all those rifles.

However, filing a law suit is one of the most American things we can do, so it was almost inevitable.

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