Saturday, November 18, 2017


I was driving from Virginia to New York last night and I like to do it when there is no traffic so I left about 3 AM.

Clearly that's the middle of the night and the sky is simply dark.

For some reason, I think in Delaware I noticed the first change in the east from dark to, well, not dark.

It was just a hint of the sunrise to come and I've driven this same route many times around the same time and I know the sun is going to rise, but something about the first glimmer of the day just attracted me.

Of course I was still driving so I couldn't stare at it, but in Southern Jersey I noticed it again, more not dark, but not quite light.

Its a natural thing and as I drove up the East Coast for the next hour I sort of tracked the progress of the sunrise.

The sky in the east was blue around the Penn Turnpike exit and by Elizabeth the whole sky was bright.

I finally saw the sun in Staten Island, and since I was driving almost directly into it, it was blinding and causing traffic to slow.

Oddly the man on the radio commented how it was a beautiful sunrise today and I must say until the sun blinded me it was.

No real point to any of this, just how I passed time on the New Jersey Turnpike and appreciated a thing that happens every day.

Until it tried to blind me.

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