Tuesday, November 28, 2017

State Dotardism

You set up a ceremony to honor true living heroes who served the country well and it should be a nice photo opportunity and a chance to generate some good will.

Of course, our dotard can't handle it.

He effectively slurs Elizabeth Warren who may or may not have some minor amount of native American ancestry by calling her Pocahontas, acting like its a common nickname for her, it isn't except maybe among rabid supporters or our dotard.

So a simple press opportunity becomes a story highlighting how he disrespected the Navajo code writers and it was compounded by staging the ceremony in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson who was no friend to the Native Americans in his day.

This will enable him to talk about fake news not covering the fact that he recognized the code writers but instead focusing on something irrelevant.  Of course every story will mention the purpose of the event, so they did cover it but he gave them the man bites dog angle that will get published.

Let's assume for a second that it isn't just idiocy, although that is a strong candidate, but some calculated strategy to divert attention from other news.

The fact that he is trying to neuter the Financial Protection Agency which Warren was a major proponent of may be the reason, since its very possible the courts will make him get congressional approval of his appointment.

Of course this publicity leads to the obvious point that he is in the hands of the big banks that his supporters hate so he needs to deflect.

So insult Warren and disrespect the code writers, but then have his own fake fox news argue wasn't disrespect at all.

I'm sure they will, puppet President, puppet news channel, puppet Congress and maybe soon a puppet court system.

Wasn't this what we fought against during the war the code writers helped us win?

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