Monday, November 20, 2017

Wake Up America

It seems like the dotard didn't mean it when he reversed an Obama policy on elephant trophies.  I'm sure he is willing to reverse any policy his predecessor signed without thinking or reading it, but in this case it annoyed people almost everywhere who weren't going to Africa to collect elephant ears.

He clearly isn't heavy into doing research and in his past careers he didn't need to be.  

Real estate like many other things is a situation where you want to buy low and sell high.

Buying into Manhattan when it was having hard times might have seemed risky but was as close to a sure thing as there is, if you have enough resources to hold long enough.

In that case it wasn't even that long as the city rebounded.  However, its not like he's great at this, he did mange to have multiple business bankruptcies and to a certain extent his brand and fortune were saved by having a successful reality show.

The dotard has turned his name into a brand and it does allow him to profit to some extent.

The attributes he had in those days haven't changed.  He was a bit of a playboy around town but managed to get his name associated with more attractive women than he ever dated.

He used to manipulate page 6 the way he uses twitter today, to keep his name in the news.

There are many much richer people in New York who manage hedge funds who you never hear of because they don't parade around and they work long hours.

In some ways, his only real career was being a celebrity and it still is.

Its sad that he was able to appeal to enough deplorables to capture the republican party and I do think that the rise of the Steve Bannon's will lead to a republican party that drives out any moderates.

The question is clearly at what point do the non-deplorables wake up?

Some already have.

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