Friday, November 17, 2017

Paying their Debt

The monkey house passed a "tax reform" bill that manages to pay their owners significant amounts by taking it from the rest of us either now or in the future.

The argument that this is going to be good for the economy is so shaky that I find it hard to believe any of them believe it, but being monkeys they might.

Now attention turns to the Senate where we will see if they can pass something that enables the two bills to go to conference.

I realize that we have seen the wealthy take over the Government via money and they have gotten people elected who are only concerned about keeping the donations flowing.

I would have thought that the American people would realize what was happening, but when you realize all the news most people absorb has to be in short soundbites or headlines, it is too easy to convince enough of the uninformed to vote for a monkey.

We will get you a good paying job, although you have no skills and just a rudimentary education.

We guarantee your children will be no more educated than you are by privatizing our schools and letting our donors make money for not educating them.

In fact we will make sure the people who donate to us can privatize more and more things so that a hefty percentage of the taxes get to them so they can donate some to us.

You live in a state where they supply public services?  Well stop indirectly subsidizing you socialists by double taxing you.

It doesn't matter to us as long as we get enough donations to run TV ads telling you we are going to make your life better, but have a gun.

You are addicted to opioids?  Well we are defunding programs that could help you but just vote for us and we will take care of you.

We are gong to strip your pension and disability benefits but you can buy a gun.

It's the best retirement plan we can think of.

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