Thursday, November 30, 2017

What Is Inappropriate Behavior?

With all the allegations of sexual harassment in the news you start to wonder "What the F...?"

Having been in the workplace for many years, although apparently a pretty boring one, I'm aware that there is a certain amount of interaction between men and women, some of which is welcome and some not welcome at all.

People spend a lot of time at work and there is a lot of time for interactions.

I've always worked in places where there were strict rules but rules are meant to be broken and much like any other place where people are together I've seen romance's blossom, some hearts broken, both ways and some bitter aftermaths.

I have seen a few cases of clearly inappropriate behavior that were handled and discipline administered.

What I now wonder is how much else may have been going on and how much did some behavior which seemed normal at the time border on what I read as sexual harassment now.

One example concerns relatively young naive people, both men and women who at lunch or near the water cooler might be teased about certain things that might elicit a blush or an awkward response.

Of course this is something that I consider fairly normal but after reading some accounts, is it now considered harassment or bullying?

Also what constitutes inappropriate touching?  Apparently shoulder rubs are a no-no.  It just seems that they used to be considered a nice thing.  Obviously they were never ok if objected to but if offered and accepted it never seemed inappropriate.

I'm not defending anyone who went over the line or used their position to force certain inappropriate behavior, but the line seems to be shifting and I wonder where it is going to stop. 

I know that human nature isn't going to change.

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