Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Protect Freedom

The one thing a government needs to do is to protect its citizens from all threats, foreign and domestic.

This is enshrined in our constitution and in the oaths of office.

It is clear then that if a foreign power is trying to subvert our republic, every government official, including the president is oath bound to defend us.

So since we have conclusive evidence of such behavior we should have pretty universal condemnation and action to prevent and stop it.

It's not universal.

When you look at the history of colonization, you find a tactic that was used in many parts of the world with a lot of success.

You find a faction that is not quite strong enough to seize power and you help them in return for certain commitments.  This makes them to some extent your puppet and as your exclusive rights grow and your influence increases, the government becomes more and more dependent on your support to continue.

It is something that works for the puppet rulers and the colonial power, but not so much for the inhabitants who are deprived of economic and political freedom over time.

This attack on our freedoms is what is dangerous and it is being attacked by both foreign and domestic sources.  Business is often more interested in a puppet regime, it is simply easier to deal with, or bribe.

The people need to be aware of the danger and demand that our elected officials honor their pledge of office, or replace them.

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