Monday, November 13, 2017

Lets hope Abe was right

A lot of the issues we tend to get excited about don't impact most of us very directly.

Generally we get up we go to work or engage in various activities regardless of the latest items being debated.  Of course the ultimate outcome may have a significant impact on our lives but it also may not.

In fact for most of us the less the Government is involved the better.  We want Government to be like a referee or umpire who enforces the rules but is barely noticed.

What the rules are is of course important and we want the rules to be fair and evenly applied.

However many of our politicians have clearly traded their integrity for political donations and support and have to take care of the people who bought them.

Ultimately they still have to get votes and depend on most people being susceptible to sound bites and misleading headlines.

This techniques which is not new found new power as we saw the rise of social media and web sites the pretended to report news but really were just propaganda outlets.

It has led us to the point we are at now, where we see a lot of smoke obscuring the truth.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion but it helps if the opinion is based on factual information, not propaganda.

The good news is that you can't keep reporting things that don't match reality for very long.

Abe Lincoln famously said that you can't fool all of the people all of the time. 

Lets hope he was right.

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