Saturday, November 11, 2017

Veterans Day

I wonder how the fates arranged for the dotard to be in Vietnam on Veteran's day?  He was avoiding that place like the plague at one point in his life.

Seems like our recent deserter may get back pay for the time he was in captivity after walking away from his post.

Bergdahl back pay

Guess if we are making draft dodgers president this is about right.

I always thought desertion was a pretty serious thing, although the whole thing with Bergdahl seems psychotic to me.  Still back pay seems a bit much.

I saw "Thank You for your Service" and it is certainly worth seeing.  The way they depict the VA doesn't match my experience with the organization, so I think being a movie you need to realize its not a documentary.  Still good viewing.

I was looking at my DD214 since I need to show it to get today's discounts and noticed how it clearly displays my SSN as well as my service number.  Guess I should cover it, but those were simpler days.

A lot of that is due to the Internet and how so much is done without actual contact.  Now we have people who can fight remotely using drones.

My main wish as a veteran would be that all current veterans be happy  and healthy and that in the future we have fewer and fewer of us as we resolve ongoing conflicts.

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