Sunday, November 19, 2017

Women and Men

Interactions between men and women have been going on since there have been men and women.  Its demonstrated by the fact that we are still here as a species.

I don't know though if at any time the two groups actually understood each other.

It's been something that has been written about since ancient times although because of the nature of those times most of the writings relate to how women are incomprehensible to men.

It doesn't seem like that should be the case, but it pretty much is.

To some extent no one knows what anyone else is actually thinking, but with other men I feel fairly confident that I have an idea.

This is largely because they react in fairly predictable ways, at least to me.

Women on the other hand tend to be simply unpredictable.

I don't know if women have the same issue, it seems like they understand men better than men understand women, but maybe they don't.

Somehow the two groups have managed to procreate, and rather profusely.

However this is the area that seems to be the most perplexing.

I remember a skit by Jerry Seinfeld in which he posits the question as to why men resort to honking or calling out to pretty strangers and he answers his own question with because that's the best we have come up with.  While a joke it comes close to the truth.

Some of the things coming out are clearly wrong, others not so much, at least to my view, which is a male one.

The problem is that many of these accusations include the fact that a person in power in some ways imposed their will on another person.  Some of these accusations are based on obvious measurable things but some are based on people's perceptions.

The "me too" movement has uncovered that a majority of American women have felt harassed or abused at least once in their lifetimes.  Maybe that honking and calling out has gone too far.

However, we don't have anything better.  It's perplexing.

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