Sunday, November 26, 2017

Fake News and those who believe it.

Sometimes you talk to someone and they say something so wrong that you don't know what to do.

For example there are people who argue that the Earth is flat.  This despite the fact that by now enough people have circumnavigated it to fill a small country and there are countless pictures from space.

Since the new way to deny the obvious is to declare it fake news or a conspiracy, you reveal yourself as being part of one or the other when you dispute him/her.

Something has gone very wrong when a larger than usual group of people hold views that are simply inane.

I'm not talking about people who think aliens exist or that there was more than one shooter involved in the JFK assassination, although I guess some it started with those people.

There are people with shows that espouse views that are simply dangerous and ridiculous but have a lot of listeners.

Denying Sandy Hook or the Las Vegas shootings as being staged by a group that is trying to take away guns, I think that's the argument, is cruel and vicious to the survivors of those events and relatives of the victims who know first hand that the events were very real.

The idea that we live in a society where lies are assumed is a sad statement and unfortunately if the argument is that everything you produce as proof is fabricated, then there is no real way to argue with them.

They are best ignored but we have theories going around spread by these people that are in fact dangerous.

Take the anti-vac people who are causing diseases to re-appear that were close to eliminated.

The very small risk related to taking vaccinations is nothing compared to the risk of the diseases themselves.

Ignore the fact that the industries in the world have been spewing dangerous and unknown chemical into the atmosphere at breakneck speed, and blame certain development on tested and approved medical treatments sponsored by those get rich quick doctors.

If you react the same way to every risk, you would probably never leave your house without a load of  heavy duty sunscreen, you certainly wouldn't drive or fly and probably realize that walking or running were likely to kill you any second now.

What we really need in this country is a return to common sense where we realize that what you see in the movies or on TV is not necessarily representative of the real world and people who tell you everyone else is lying to you are the ones doing the lying.

Less virtual and more actual reality please.

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