Friday, November 10, 2017

True Deplorables

When this term was used in the election last year to refer to some of the dotard's supporters, many of his supporters who didn't consider themselves actually deplorable used it as a rallying cry.

It actually helped him to some extent since the use of it added some momentum.

Now the fact that the context in which it was use was pretty much that the dotard appeals to the worst our society has to offer.  Others supported him for whatever reason, but clearly the racists, misogynists, homophobes certainly supported him, probably enough to get him elected.

Of course if you lie down with dogs you are likely to wake up with fleas.

I generally don't understand how people who I think should know better believe the propaganda being spread by the alt right and their media.

America had never been more free or inclusive and as much as the propaganda rails against things like political correctness or patriotism, neither of those things are real issues.

Some Americans are caught in the change from manual to automated production and the switch over to service vs manufacturing but unfortunately all economic evolutions have some victims.

Many of those who lost their jobs in the rust belt were the descendants of farmers who were disrupted by the change from family farms to industrial farms (see Grapes of Wrath).

Nothing guarantees that the world will stand still, it doesn't and if you don't keep up you will be passed by.

What is deplorable is when in order to chase illusions you turn a blind eye to the very people who are willing to rape you and say you wanted it.

The tax "reform" packages struggle to look like they reduce taxes on the middle class when in reality they don't.  Some things help the people who already pay very few taxes, and many things help business and the wealthy, but if you are in the middle you will end up needing a rape kit.

Even worse, it increases the deficit and passes the bill down the road.

The people behind these bills are the real deplorables, they have sold themselves to the highest bidder, and that's not the general public.

See them for what they rally are.

The true deplorables.

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