Monday, May 7, 2018

Afordable Care Act

Don't hear much about the Affordable Care Act right now.

It is still under assault as a group of states have filed suit calling it unconstitutional, oddly because congress repealed the individual mandate which they argue invalidates the rest of the law.

I think this is more of a stunt but of course we would need to see if it progresses in the courts.

Generally the law continues and while a lot of it cold be improved, the odds of that are slim indeed.

So it will probably just continue in its current form until at least 2020 when w will see if a new administration wants to tackle it.

American all want affordable, available health care if they think about it.

Young people often don't think much about it until they start a family.

If of course you end up needing expensive treatment and have no coverage, it will bankrupt you or leave you in heavy debt.

We are one of the few, if not the only, industrialized countries that treats our citizens that way.

The cost of treatment and medicines is often obscene.

We could certainly benefit from a single payer system, but that seems pretty far off at this point

In addition to being expensive, it also manages to be extremely complex with coverages uncertain, as well as deductibles and co-pays.

Just something else our useless congress isn't going to address.

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