Saturday, May 19, 2018

Immigrants and Gun Violence

The scary truth is that pretty much every crime in this country is committed by an immigrant or a descendant of an immigrant!

Unless of course its committed by a Native American.

As a country of immigrants we obviously see what happens with immigrants over time.

They are us, and I guess we are untrustworthy.

We had another school shooting in Texas this time and I refuse to consider them normal no matter how many we have.

The fact that the guns used in this event didn't include an assault rifle, doesn't make them safer than the day before.

All guns are dangerous both to the owners (look at suicide statistics) and to innocent bystanders.

If the school shootings were the result of gang violence, the uproar would be tremendous with all sort of propositions to eradicate those animals.

Since they are the result of a deranged individual who was able to access very deadly weapons and murder innocents, it will result in meaningless offers of sympathy and little action.

Unless we really demand it.

If you own a gun, you must take responsibility for it, secure it and accept that it is a right that also carries responsibilities.

Its time to do something.

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