Thursday, May 17, 2018

Freedom from Bigotry

There are people in America who espouse things that I totally detest.

Generally anything that would diminish or demean a fellow human.

It seems all too common for people to develop an us vs them mentality.

We like to belong to a group, just not all inclusive ones.

We see this now out in the open with the dontard referring to some immigrants as animals and other members of his cabinet saying they can't assimilate.

We have nothing but assimilated people here, unfortunately a certain number got assimilated into racist views.

Where a person is born and the wealth of their parents is not something any of us can control.

I get a kick our of those who talk about people needing to better themselves or climb out of poverty who then try to beat up on immigrants trying to do just that.

I was reading a story about a lawyer in New York who apparently took offense at some people talking Spanish and threatened to call ICE.  He is also apparently on record about how his tax dollars support undocumented immigrants on welfare, a very unlikely scenario.

New York has a large Hispanic population, including a very large number of Puerto Ricans who happen to be US Citizens.  The odds that two working people who speak Spanish are undocumented, is slim to say the least, at least in cosmopolitan New York.

What is this obsession with speaking English?

I grew up quite a while ago in a city where you could hear a dozen different languages and see a dozen or more newspapers in Chinese, Spanish, Yiddish, etc.

English was the common language but how people talked to each other was their concern, not mine.

It is simply the worst sort of bigotry to try to make people behave in a certain way as long as what they are doing is legal.

Try reading the Bill of Rights for a change.

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