Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Religion is pretty universal in general but very varied in specifics.

In this country we tend to think that Christianity is the dominant religion, and it is here, but worldwide it isn't.

It is a major religion but the latest estimates are that about a third of the world's population follow it.

Of course it is derived from Judaism which is not a major religion based on number of adherents, but a very influential one.

Islam is estimated to be the second largest religion and is growing while Christianity isn't.

Islam is actually closely related to Judaism and Christianity in many ways.

The other major religions, Hinduism and Buddhism are very different in origin although in certain things all the major religions impose similar behaviors, with different rituals.

People with no religion and atheists qualify as a major group and if you called them a religion, they would be either the 4th or 5th largest.  That depends on how many people actually practice Buddhism.

The point is that even those who practice no religion still in most cases follow a similar set of behavioral rules, such as treat people with respect (love thy neighbor), respect property and relationships etc.

Of course both those who practice religions and those who don't are known to stray behaviorally.

It would seem that we have a genetic disposition to following certain behavioral rules which can be classified as good and bad.

Organized religions can be quite problematic in that they claim to interpret God's will and direct behavior that otherwise would be immoral.

The idea that God would communicate through these people is of course a matter of faith and what is hard to address if you think about it is why he would favor one religion over another in that respect.

The idea that God intervenes in our lives is pure egoism.

When I see a successful person thanking God for his/her success I wonder if they really think God liked them more than their opponent?

I find the idea perplexing at best.

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