Monday, May 21, 2018


Everybody sees the world slightly differently based on our background and general biases.

Whether you see a glass as half full or half empty depends on us, not the glass.  It holds the same amount of fluid either way.

Similarly, some feel like they control events and others feel like they don't.

The way we perceive these things can also change over time as circumstances change.

At a certain point, some people actually start to see things so differently than most that it indicates a mental illness.

We recently see our dontard flailing about trying to find a reason his actions are being questioned.

It can't be his fault or his campaigns, so he has been unjustly targeted by law enforcement or his political opponents.

That's an extremely unlikely scenario, because even though he eventually won the electoral college, no one thought he would.

Its not the time when Nixon was unleashing his henchmen to guarantee a victory, we are talking about an extremely ethical president.

The flailing about is probably indicative of an awareness that there is some real danger to him.

Time will tell.

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