Friday, May 25, 2018

Complex Matters

It seems like foreign relations is turning out to be complex, much like health care, who would have thunk it?

After all, when all you did was criticize everything your predecessors did in tweets based on the phony stuff you see on Fox news, well the world is simple.

America needs to demand all the other countries toe the line.

Make our allies pay more for things.

Stop letting the UN be so, well international.

Make those mid-eastern countries stop fighting, he didn't understand what they were fighting over anyways.

Ban those Islamic American haters who attacked us.

Back out of our negotiated deals, we didn't get everything we could possible want.

Take a long time to fill important posts and then send unqualified but loyal people.

Praise oppressive dictators while attacking our intelligence communities.

Move our Embassy to Jerusalem, who would object to that?

Help China and Russia greatly expand their influence in the world as ours wanes.

Make our European allies start to treat us as an adversary, as we threaten them with sanctions for keeping their word with Iran.

Teach the whole world that we can't be trusted, our word is meaningless, and our intentions are purely selfish.

America first?

America alone?

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