Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lies and Lies and Lies

There is a quote by the dontard in which he says , "I know words, I have the best words..."

He never claimed to know what the words meant though.

Its pretty clear that he doesn't.

He clearly uses words somewhat randomly, and make up a few but he may actually know what bigly means.

However clearly he has no clue in regards to transparent, or collusion, or obstruction.

He kept talking about how he wanted a transparent process to look at the documents related to the latest silly accusations about the justice department and FBI but the only people invited were two biased Republicans.

They most likely had long ago drawn their conclusions about what to say.

That would have been about as transparent as the Washington monument.

Since he is the clear record holder for lying as a President, long ago surpassing any contenders, it seems like we should come up with a word for his administration to fit in with the way he labels people.

Famously the Nixon administration was brought down by an informant who went by the name Deep Throat, which was in fact a porn reference.

Don't need an informant in this case, but maybe we could go with Stormy Liar for the dontard?

Seems to fit.

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