Friday, May 4, 2018

Economic Impact

Is the economy doing better under the dontard, or was it so strong that his policies couldn't derail it?

It certainly still seems like the Obama economy with just a few differences, one of which is the tax cuts.

Hard to say if they have any significant impact on what we are seeing, and if you are looking at the statistics the trend lines are pretty consistent since the change in administrations.

With April employment numbers being close to predicted but other elements such as participation rate yo-yo ing a bit its hard to see any change in the direction.  See following article.


Still the economy hasn't crashed and the dontard now talks up the same Government reports he used to claim were fake.

In this article it talks about how the tariffs hurt small businesses, while the tax cuts and deregulation help.

small business

So maybe there is good and bad, at least as far as some elements of the economy.

What might take longer to impact us are the other changes to the tax laws, although there is no reason to believe that we are going to see any real trickle down impact.  If we do, it would be nice, but it looks like the wealthy people are doing what they know best, staying wealthy.

The long term impacts of these policies is probably predictably negative, considering the impact of higher tariffs and the retaliation to them.  This will simply make many items more expensive, like we are starting to see in gas prices.

Of course that's the result of a non-economic policy about the Iran deal and its those policies most likely to drive us into a recession at some point.

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