Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Iran Deal

The US is most likely going to withdraw from the Iran deal although there are a number of scenarios about what might happen.

There is no evidence that Iran has violated the agreement, it is simply a pretty typical reaction of the dontard to anything done by his predecessor.

Of course the deal has critics, it had them before it was ever signed, but of course it is a multi-national deal that has specific restrictions on Iran's nuclear program.

The deal didn't address some of the things that critics bring up and the gist of the criticism seems to be that we should re-impose sanctions until Iran does everything we would like them to do.

Negotiations between sovereign states is a tricky thing and requires give and take.

Not unlike business deals.

If a deal gives one side everything it wants, its not a negotiation, its an ultimatum.

The other point here is pretty simple.  Why would you enter into a deal with a country that fails to honor it even when you honor your end?

Iran is currently not a friend of the US but it has been in the past and possibly could be again in the future.

We would like them to change certain behavior related to terrorism and its recognition of Israel's right to exist.

This deal however was designed to impact Iran's nuclear program, not those other issues.

What will be interesting is who then honors the re-imposed US sanctions and whether we retaliate against those who don't?

We will have made Iran a more sympathetic country at the very least, not sure that's what we want.

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