Friday, May 18, 2018

Foreign Policy?

We are seeing a general reaction to our policies in the rest of the world that shows how far we have fallen in a very short time.

We used to both be feared, respected and admired.

Now we are probably still feared, but very little respect or admiration.

Our European allies are working closely with Russia and China to find a way to maintain the Iran nuclear deal.

Our more immediate neighbors are tied down in negotiations over NAFTA with what seems like little progress.

We withdrew from the Paris climate accords which is widely viewed as the act of an idiot since it effectively simply promised to try and reduce the impact of environmental pollution.  Have we decided to pollute instead?

We withdrew from the trans-Pacific trade agreement, driving our Pacific allies closer to China.

Negotiation in Korea, which seemed promising at one time are now jeopardized because we have administration hard liners putting out demands on media appearances.

Of course we have the ongoing twitter nonsense that is the subject of ridicule everywhere.

We have the record number of lies put out by the administration, or at least the head of it.

We have unqualified diplomats to major countries who act like the very definition of an "Ugly American", blundering and blustering along.

From world leader to world clown, who has a big club.

Speak softly but carry a big stick has been replaced with idiotic posturing and unpredictable behavior.

America first?  Doesn't look like it.

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